
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Re-purposing with Chalkboard Paint

When hubby and I bought our first house, we bought this framed art for our entry way. When we moved to our new house a little over a year ago, it really didn't fit well, and to be honest, I was sick of looking at it anyway. I always loved the frame so held onto it and eventually decided to re-purpose it and make it a chalkboard! It turned out great and was super easy!



Because this piece did not open well (Would have had to take the paper and hanger off the back to get into it), I decided to just paint the glass in the frame. I suppose you could tape off the frame, but since the frame was darker already, I just decided to wing it. (I used q-tips to clean up any paint that got on the frame before it dried).


After the first coat, I was wondering if it was going to turn out streaky looking, but I kept faith and kept on. I ended up doing 3 coats total. I'm not very patient, so I didn't exactly let the coats dry completely before moving onto the next one, but I did my best, and it turned out just fine. After the final coat, I rubbed chalk over the entire board to "season" it, as directed on the paint bottle.



Now I have a pretty awesome chalkboard that I need to find a home for around the house. I get so giddy seeing that I created something new that I love, out of something old that I was tired of. I have a feeling there will be many more chalkboard projects in the future for me.


What chalkboard paint projects have you done, or do you have some on the drawing boards? I'd love to hear about them!

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