
Friday, March 2, 2012

Running and a fun project for those race bibs!

Last summer I ran my first 5k. I had spent my whole life loathing running...and avoiding it at all costs. I went from not being able to run around the block to running my first 5k in a couple months via a couch to 5k type app called 5k Runner. It gradually increased my running time, while building my endurance and confidence.

In the past, I would try to run as long as I could, then panting and out of breath, walk for a while...and end up discouraged that I could not run very long without needing to stop (and try to breathe!!). I also got hubby on board running with me. It is something I enjoy doing with him as well as on my own (and not just because he pushes the double BOB...though that IS nice!!) Running together provides time for conversation without distraction, and opportunities to  encourage each other to push harder. Running alone is like my own private meditation with my thoughts. Both are nice.

Running became a peaceful and surprisingly enjoyable place for me to escape in. If I am having a tough day with the kids, a run is just the ticket to refresh me. If I am mad about something, I run faster, harder, and farther - and feel much better at the end. Even on a "perfect" day, a run is a great time for me to collect my thoughts and ideas.

I can now say, I really enjoy running...and I never thought I'd say that...ever. Once I did my first 5k, I felt empowered and inspired to keep running. I did a few more. I took a break through the winter months since I am big baby for being cold and how my lungs feel running in frigid temps, but spring is here (well, almost) and I am ready to go again and have started signing up for more runs. I am lucky to know some great mama friends of varying levels who inspire me to run with them. I am not the fastest by any stretch, but I finish running and that feels great. I also have zero desire to move beyond a 5k. 3 miles feels just right for me - at least at this point.

After the runs, I am left with these race bibs - reminders of some fun and challenging times (YES, I referred to running as "fun" - crazy, right?!). I don't want to throw them out, but I also didn't really know what to do with them. I stumbled upon some ideas on pinterest (of course) and the wheels started turning. I ran (pardon the pun) with the inspiration I found to make it my own and fit what worked best for me.

I got a board from the craft store and painted it a couple coats of a nice charcoal grey. Then I stenciled on "RUN".

This was my first time stenciling. I had to do each letter separate so they didn't mess each other up, and I did a couple coats of a fun marigold yellow (I have NEVER been a yellow person, but I have been loving grey and yellow together lately so this may be my first item of decor with yellow on it!). The letters were a little messy...

so I cleaned them up with a small paintbrush and my charcoal grey again.

Finally, I used some screw hooks and placed them where I wanted them. (They fit all the bibs I currently have, but if I need to add a different size later I can, or I might just punch additional holes in the bibs to make them work for what I already have in place. 

And finished! Easy, functional project, ready to hang in my craft room. Love it!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I just have all mine hanging on a thumbtack in the bonus room.
